Saturday, November 21, 2015

Message of Congratulations to Mr. Amougou Zambo, Tse Kevin Anye on their Election as President and Vice of CCTU

I Mr Fai Victor Nfor on behalf of MEDUTU (Mexam Divisional Union of Trade Unions Wishes to fervently from the depth of our heart congratulate you Mr. Amougou Zambo and Anye Kevin for you election into the high of office of CCTU as president and vice respectively.
While recognizing your vibrancy, commitment and dedication to the cause of trade unionism in defending workers in Cameroon, I pledge on behalf of MEDUTU our utter support to you as you undertake your watchdog role over workers in our great country Cameroon.
Wishing you and your families and happy Christmas and New Year forward-looking
Fai Victor Nfor
President MEDUTU-Mezam

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Dilemma of Homosexuals in Cameroon

By M. Aliah Atonji           
Formukom Pael dragged into custody
It is no longer news that Cameroonians in their majority have rejected the concept of homosexuality in all its forms.  It is not simply because the law in Cameroon forbids it under article 347 bis of the Cameroon Criminal Code, but because the traditions and cultures of most Cameroonian ethnic groups regard the practice as an aberration and forbids the practise in all its forms.
The mere fact that the law and cultures of Cameroon forbid homosexuality, at times suspects are often subjected to mob justice and police harassment without proper investigations. Most often, suspects are incarcerated for weeks, months or years without any charge. The perception of the practice of homosexuality in Cameroon by a majority of the population as a taboo has made it possible for suspects to be arrested, tortured and molested by individuals or traditional authorities who still exert a lot of powers in the Cameroonian society especially in the grass field regions.
Homosexuality in Cameroon is not only condemned in the media, but also strongly opposed by religious figures. Police officers and civilians are instigated to oppress homosexuals on the misconception that homosexuals are not recognised, they do not hold legal rights. This represents a clear breach of Article 2 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, which states that the principle of non-discrimination provides the foundation for the enjoyment of all human rights.
A glaring example which took place recently here in the North West regional capital, Bamenda is the case of a lady Formukum Pael. The incident which occurred on the 30th of September, 2015 was pathetic. Simple because she was suspected of lesbianism by her neighbours, the gendarmes swooped in and had her molested. She was not only molested but she was arrested and kept in custody for over sometime. As of now, no one knows where Formukum is being held and the family has expressed fears that she might have been killed or sent to the dreaded Kondengui maximum prison in Yaoundé. Quizzed on whether they were aware that their daughter was a lesbian. The family hinted that that she exhibited such feelings not openly until now. According to them, she has often behaved strangely towards other women which caused her the trouble she is in today. They have also launched an appeal for anyone to help inform them of her whereabouts.
Formukum Pael ar her best
This kind of stories abounds in the West and North West regions of Cameroon where traditional authorities still wield a lot of power and are completely against the practise. Another case in question is that of one Nformi Ernest Ndi of Donga mantung Division who suffered mob justice on sometimes in February for having an affair with Nigerian man. Though the Nigerian fellow escaped back to Nigeria alive, Nformi was unfortunate as he was stoned to death. Nothing has been said about him and no criminal case opened to verify the validity of the crime he was accused of.
In the few instances where cases have been taken to court and appeals against conviction are successful, the courts are reluctant in releasing written judgments. This prevents defendants involved in new actions from relying on important legal precedent. Moreover, such conduct clearly obstructs the administration of justice. Even when charges are dropped, it is often too late to remedy their disastrous impact. As the media are abused to publicise those charged, defendants find themselves “outed” to a homophobic society and are often rejected by their own families and friends.

Although sometimes in 2012, President Biya spoke of a “change of mind” towards homosexuality, he did not take any further steps towards its decriminalisation. For homosexuals to be free in Cameroon, the government has to repeal article 347 bis to ensure the dignity, rights and freedom of this class of people.


Saturday, November 7, 2015

CPDM Party Cards Unaccounted for, Frontline Runners Boycott Event

 The team lead by Doh Jerome, secretary of State for Penitentiary administration, to supervise the reorganization process in the newly created Bamenda Ic section in Nkwen were in the Nkwen Fons palace on Saturday 17th of October 2015 to launch the exercise.
Welcoming the guest and population that scantily turn out for the launch, the Fon of Nkwen, who has openly declared for the CPDM to the chagrin of many, expressed gratitude for the creation of the new section. Visible troubled by the low turnout, he called on committed militants to fish out more folk into the CPDM ranks. According to him, if the population of Nkwen need and want development; the only way would be through their massive adherence to the CPDM party. 
His appeal was marred by allegation that people who collected party card to sell could neither account for the cards nor the money. To this indictment, Doh Jerome sounded a note of warning and called on those concerned to concert and put their records straight before the reorganization proper begins. According to him, the CPDM was comparatively weak in Nkwen judging from past elections which the SDF has always won by landslide. This might have been because of this insolence of unaccountability which seems to have eaten deep within the CPDM in the area.  The Secretary of State further stated that no new cards would be sent to Bamenda I C legal if the missing   cards were not accounted for. The party, he said, would engage legal process because the act was equivalent to embezzlement of public funds.
Although the two protagonist seeking the presidency of the Bamenda IC section, Ngante Joseph and Dr Ndonwi Peter were conspicuously absent to the amazement of many, the Secretary of State and his team went on to read out the rules and regulations that shall guide the reorganization process. A question and answer session was also organized to clear out some misgiving and apprehension that bothered some ambitious militants. Though the answers given by some members of the team betrayed their non-mastery of the rules and regulation of whole exercise, many went home wondering but satisfied. It took concerned youth of the CPDM like Agho Oliver to mount the rostrums from times to time to clarify or refocus the discussion.
From the turn out, the new CPDM Bamenda IC section must work hard to cover the yawning gap existing between the CPDM and the SDF here. This was the last appeal of Doh Jerome to the scanty crowd.  


A Day Old Baby Discovered Dead at PC CCAST Complex

Inhabitants of PC CCAST quarter in Bambili on Saturday 17th of October were bemused by the discovery of a day old baby abandoned dead in a ‘sac and motor’ bag in front of the Presbyterian Church, CCAST in Bambili. The baby, who from all indication was abandoned alive for some Good Samaritan to rescue, might have died some few hours before it was discovered.
When the population alerted the administration of the area about the gruesome act and they promptly arrived the crime scene accompanied by the mayor and the authorities of Presbyterian Church. After an autopsy was conducted to ascertain the cause of the death of the baby, it was finally laid to rest in a nearby cemetery.
The population that had gathered at the crime scene rather expressed indignation to the fact that the Presbyterian Church authorities in whose premises the baby was discovered rather boycotted the burial of the baby. According to them, they ought to have come and prayed for the innocent soul of that baby before it was buried. They Presbyterian Church authorities of PC CCAST Complex behaved unchristian-like, they chastised.
Investigations have been open up by the police and the hope is that the criminal should be fished out, arrested and brought to justice for taking away the life of an innocent baby. The police is said to have already started quarantining some girls for questioning.
The massive influx of students from all nooks of the republic into the area for university studies has also increased the rate of prostitution, robbery and other petty crimes in Bambili and its environs. With the economic hardship and the desperation of many female students, some of them have taken prostitution as a means to an end.


Bui SDO Salutes Arrival Tile Fabrication Machine in Nkar

Benjamin Ngah in Nkar
The three heavy duty new brand machine arrived Nkar well protected in three wooden boxes some few weeks ago. They were carefully unloaded at the Nkar Fon’s palace for maximum security by the teaming youth population whose hopes were rekindled to see such huge machines being unloaded in their ancestral land.
To officially receive the machine in Bui and particularly in Jakiri sub Division, where the industry for the fabrication ceramic tiles would be based, the Fon of Nkar, Jakiri municipal authorities, notables and a cross section of the population organized an occasion to this effect. The occasion which took place on Friday 22nd of October, 2015 was presided over by the Senior Divisional Officer for Bui, Nseke Theophile.
While saluting the arrival of the machines as a dream come true, the SDO for Bui hailed the Fon of Nkar and his elite for their engagement and concern toward the wellbeing of the population. According to him, the arrival of the new brand ceramic fabrication machine marks a turning point in the economic development not only of Jakiri Sub division but that of the entire division. He hoped that in the days ahead, beautiful house never seen in jakiri sub division will start sprouting out here and there. He further cautioned the population to make sure the machines are managed sustainable so that other generations can benefit from it. While wishing that the machines were installed as fast as possible so that work can begin, he told the community to make sure some of them were well trained in order to be able to handle the machines.
It was a high spirited Fon of Nkar, Fon Moloo II who expressed gratitude to the SDO and his etat major for always being there each time they are called upon to come. According to him, this was just the beginning of many good things to come to Nkar. He said SDO would be coming to Nkar again and again to welcome many other things that would help to uplift Nkar into limelight. The people of Nkar have chosen the path of peace, respect of authority and development, he said. He further confided to journalist after the event that the machines would go into use as fast as possible and that a commission would be put in place to see the smooth running of the industry. This, he said, would only be done when one of his American based sons, the brain behind the arrival of the machines, must have come.
Other speakers including the representative of the Mayor for Jakiri and the flag bearer of Nyuydzemo’on Common Initiative group did not mince words in thanking the SDO for his timely intervention to see that the machine arrived Nkar without any further delay. While promising that the machines would be used sustainably to change the lives of many folk, they expressed the wish to see the cottage industry put in place as fast as possible.
Nyuydzemo’on it should be recalled is a CIG based in the palace of Nkar and has been very instrumental in the lobbying for the tile fabrication machines to be in Nkar. In order for the group to benefit more, the SDO also called on them to transform into a cooperative. This will help them gain visibility and attract more help even from the state of Cameroon.

Nkwen Fon’s Palace Transformed into CPDM Secretariat

Benjamin Ngah
Activities of the newly created Mezam IC section of the ruling Cameroon people democratic movement-CPDM are being monitored and carried out from the Nkwen Fon’s palace. Despite the embargo placed 1st and 2nd class Fon’s to stay clear of the reorganization process, the throne of Nkwen has tacitly gotten involved in the process by allocation parts of the palace to be used by the party. Observers have concluded that the aim is for the Fon to closely monitor the reorganization process in order to handpick his own choice for the presidency of Mezam IC section.
Lodging the party in the palace has not gone down well to many inhabitants of Nkwen who consider the Fon’s open declaration for the governing party as a total drift from the nonpartisan policy of his predecessor. His partisan political stand is not only causing friction amongst his elite, but is also estranging many who would have been instrumental in the development of the Fondom, some observers said.
This might be the explanation for the low pace at which militants of the party in the area are buying party cards. As of the Friday, the 30th of October, 2015 the total number of party adherents stood at a dismal 3677. This number according to some CPDM stalwart in the area is fictitious. They claim that some party militants merely change their names in order to acquire double party cards and effect multiple voting during elections within the party.
During a meeting on Friday 30th October, 2015 in the Nkwen Palace Hall, militants that turned out to assess the level of registration and the preparedness of the section for the impending election into the basic organs of the party were embarrassed at the figures presented so far. In fact the scene was chaotic and no one seemed to understand each other. Everyone had his or her own version of what the law says and how things should go. Since most of the resource persons from the central committee were absent, the disorder was total and militants got confused the more.
As of now, if the resource persons from the central committee headed by Doh Jerome are not constantly present to oversee the process in Mezam IC, the final situation might be unfortunate as internal strife would definitely take central stage. This would be at the detriment of a party which is barely crawling in the area.

NUDP Storms Fundong, CPDM, SDF Quake

After conquering Fundong Council from the grip of Ni John Fru Ndi’s Social Democratic front-SDF, the CPDM party of President Paul Biya is confronting a new challenger. This time the real threat to the life of the CPDM in the area is no longer coming from the SDF, but from Bello Buba’s NUDP party.
On Saturday 24th of October, 2015, the youth wing of the party under the leadership of it National President Ndansi Elvis staged a spectacular show in Fundong which sent shock waves running down the spine of some CPDM barons. The event was the NUDP youth Conference which took place here under the theme, ‘Youth Empowerment Through Vocational Training.’
The event which brought together representatives of the youth wing of the party from all over the republic was one of its kind judging from the turnout. Hundreds of youths from within the municipality came out to demonstrate the strength of the party in the area thereby sending a coded warning to the CPDM who controls the council and the SDF the the parliamentary seat.
Speaking during the events, various speakers attested to the geometric growth of the party in the area. According them, the tremendous growth growth of the party in the area was not just because many youth from Fundong have come to understand the ideals and vision of the party for the country, but also because both the SDF and the CPDM have continually failed them in their promises.
Articulating on the theme of the conference, the National Youth President Ndansi Elvis reiterated the fact that the joblessness of the Cameroon youth was not because of the lack of jobs but because many of the lacked the adequate training to work. According to him, vocational training is that training that emphasises skills and knowledge required for a particular job function or a trade.’ This, he said, is the reason why the NUDP has decided to impact on the youths during forums like this, the skills to be able to face the job market.
Ndansi in his usual charismatic manner said, the NUDP party will never led the youth down. It  would make sure youth participate in the political life of the country, assist them to better integrate in work life and above all would help the youth to be able to fight against social ills such as drug abuse.
The event was grace by a display of music and other traditional dances.


Xenophobia Grips Nkwen: Nso Community, Others Targeted

Benjamin Ngah in Bamenda
Barely two years on the throne of Nkwen, HRH Fon Azefor the III facing one of the most precarious situations in the modern history of the area. Some bona fide youths of Nkwen, in what has been described as a premeditated action, on Thursday October 22, 2015 took the law into their hands and started attacking ‘stranger’ especially the Nso community  accusing them of wanting to buy the whole of Nkwen including their palace.
According to some of the protesting youths who spoke to this reporter, the sale of a parcel of land behind the Nkwen fon’s palace to the Nso community was a bitter pill they could not swallow. The purported sale of this piece of land, they claimed, was done with the complicity of Azefor III for the Nso community to build their cultural hall there in.
However, HRH Fon Azefor III has utterly denied the accusation. According to him, the said piece of land was given to the Nso community free of charge since the two communities have for long maintained very close diplomatic ties. He indicated that he did it out of share generosity which for now has been a boomerang. The rebellious youths said, the Fon should look for the piece for a piece of land elsewhere and not behind the ‘Nkwen Fons palace.’ 
During the crises meeting that ensued and coordinated by the Divisional officer for Bamenda III, Ayuk Tarkang Walter on Friday 23rd October 2015, the Fon defended his generosity to the Nkwen people  stating that the people of Banso are not just friends to the Nkwen palace, but do have a matrimonial relationship with the royal palace of Nkwen.  He also revealed to the youths that traditionally, the Nso people do have a palace within the palace of Nkwen indicating that they have an inseparable bond.
As matters were being laid to rest, the angry youths turned their venom to the Catholic Church at Futru Parish which they claimed has been colonised still by the Nso people. To show their discontentment, they stormed the church premises threatening to wreck it down. It was thanks to the Rev. Father Romeo Nguemteu who after contacts with his hierarchy sought for help from security forces to avert chaos.
To set things straight and to avert the unknown, the DO for Bamenda III has scheduled a meeting in the days ahead to look into the litany of grievances from the the youths of Nkwen. Many observers say that the action of the youths is already a bad omen to the Fon who is still a baby Fon. Some of the Nkwen elite who spoke on condition of anonymity opined that Fon Azefor III ought to follow the footsteps of his father who for several years ruled his people without any strain and stain.

HRM Fon Azehfor III of Nkwen 

Nkwen Youths versus Nso and the Catholic Church
After Fon Azehfor III diplomatically brought the matter to rest, the youths then turned their attention Friday October 23, 2015 in what they described as “the Bansonisation” of a church that is supposed to be theirs. To show their discontent, the youths stormed the Futru Parish main church house where only one of the Priest Rev Fr. Romeo Nguemteu was in. In a bid to calm the youths, he requested for a conversation with five representatives but the youths rejected the request. Following uncoordinated presentations of the facts, Fr Romeo then asked that they go and send the representatives for a talk later in the day. As the youths went away Fr. Romeo explained, he then contacted the Sub divisional officer who was attending the graduation ceremony of the Bamenda National Sports School with the Minister for Sports and Physical Education present. He however contacted the Auxiliary Bishop of Bamenda His Lordship Agabitus Nfon who instructed him to put his Parish Pastoral Council together to seek a way out. Before the programmed meeting security stormed the church yard to guarantee the security of the priest following instructions from administrative authorities in Mezam. Interpreting the situation, the youths said it was a calculated attempt by the Priest to get them arrested! a claimed Fr Romeo denied saying he did not call the security forces. Before leaving the church yard, the youths promised to return on Sunday with the intention to interrupt church services should there be no appropriate response to their complaints before 7am on Saturday October 24, 2015.

The DO during the crisis meeting accepted Fr Romeo’s denial saying that the security forces where alerted by other security services with the intervention of the Mezam SDO now Governor of the South Region Nguele Nguele Felix to protect the Priest.  

Following what the Bamenda III sub divisional officer told the crisis meeting, the youths had four major complains.
·        That since the creation of the St Michael’s Catholic school Futru-Nkwen only Nkwen people have been Head Teachers until now that a Nso woman has been appointed to head the over 20years school. According to the Nkwen youths only Nkwen people should ne head teachers and no one else worst of all Banso people (people from Nso in Bui Division)
·        That all assisting staff in the Parish of Nkwen extraction have been dismissed and replaced with Nso people.

·        That a hall project to cost a good number of millions has been awarded to a Nso man just like a project in the Nazareth center they say is worth over 50million.
·        They also blamed the priests for not recruiting Nkwen sons and daughters as nurses and staff of the St Francis of Assisi Catholic hospital Ntasen Nkwen.
Responding to all of these complains Madam Theresia Taminang President of the Futru Parish Pastoral Council PPC, said the recruitment and appointment of school authorities within the archdiocese was the exclusive preserve of the Archbishop who is the proprietor of schools. To the change of head teacher to non Nkwen only the Archbishop could answer.

On the Hall project, Ngominang Kingsley member of the PPC and the project committee denied the award of the Hall project to a non-Nkwen man saying that no contract has been awarded so far. He said there was a heavily announced project committee with Nkwen people making up over 80% of the total number.
Fr Romeo while answering to the recruitment of non Nkwen as assisting staff in the parish house said “all night watchmen are Nkwen, two of three cooks are Nkwen, and for the drivers he said one was Noni and the other from the west Region. To him there was no discrimination particularly on the recruitment of Staff. On the Nazareth Center   project Fr Romeo noted that the center was currently in bad shape financially and there was no projects ongoing talk less of a project up to 50million. With inputs from Ngominang kingsly, Fr Romeo added that there was a project going on in the Piarist community house in Menteh not in the Nazareth center and “the project was handled by Brother Padro who is Spanish and contractor for the Piarist Fathers. Again he clarified that there was no project awarded to a Banso man.

Concluding the Rev Fr explained that they could not answer any question over the recruitment of staff for the St Francis of Assisi Catholic hospital Ntasen Nkwen since it is not within their area of jurisdiction.

From the submissions the DO Ayuk Takang promised to convene a meeting in his office to explain the situation to the protesting youths.