The team lead by Doh Jerome, secretary of
State for Penitentiary administration, to supervise the reorganization process
in the newly created Bamenda Ic section in Nkwen were in the Nkwen Fons palace
on Saturday 17th of October 2015 to launch the exercise.
the guest and population that scantily turn out for the launch, the Fon of
Nkwen, who has openly declared for the CPDM to the chagrin of many, expressed
gratitude for the creation of the new section. Visible troubled by the low
turnout, he called on committed militants to fish out more folk into the CPDM
ranks. According to him, if the population of Nkwen need and want development;
the only way would be through their massive adherence to the CPDM party.
appeal was marred by allegation that people who collected party card to sell
could neither account for the cards nor the money. To this indictment, Doh Jerome
sounded a note of warning and called on those concerned to concert and put
their records straight before the reorganization proper begins. According to
him, the CPDM was comparatively weak in Nkwen judging from past elections which
the SDF has always won by landslide. This might have been because of this
insolence of unaccountability which seems to have eaten deep within the CPDM in
the area. The Secretary of State further
stated that no new cards would be sent to Bamenda I C legal if the missing cards were not accounted for. The party, he
said, would engage legal process because the act was equivalent to embezzlement
of public funds.
the two protagonist seeking the presidency of the Bamenda IC section, Ngante
Joseph and Dr Ndonwi Peter were conspicuously absent to the amazement of many, the
Secretary of State and his team went on to read out the rules and regulations
that shall guide the reorganization process. A question and answer session was
also organized to clear out some misgiving and apprehension that bothered some
ambitious militants. Though the answers given by some members of the team
betrayed their non-mastery of the rules and regulation of whole exercise, many
went home wondering but satisfied. It took concerned youth of the CPDM like
Agho Oliver to mount the rostrums from times to time to clarify or refocus the
the turn out, the new CPDM Bamenda IC section must work hard to cover the
yawning gap existing between the CPDM and the SDF here. This was the last
appeal of Doh Jerome to the scanty crowd.
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