Saturday, September 26, 2015

Anyi Judith Grabs the Princess Award

Benjamin Ngah
          The former President of AziCCUL and current president of RECCUCAM, Mme Anye Judith Bih was on Saturday August 27, 2015 one of the top fifteen Cameroonians that were distinguished and awarded by  False Labels Inc. ( a US based Non profit making organization that seeks to fight injustices, promote gender equality and healthy practices in society.)
          The award, captioned The Princess Award which was in its maiden edition witnessed the presence of dignitaries like Melissa Beningam from the USA, The NW Delegate of Women Empowerment and the Family, the Fons of Bafut and Nkar, and a cross section of the population.
          Anye Judith Bih who won in the category of Leadership and Democratic Practices was credited for her clairvoyant, astute and relentless service during her occupancy as president of Azire Cooperative Credit Union Ltd- AziCCUL and her current service as President of Renaissance Cooperative Credit Unions- Cameroon- RECCUCAM. During the voting process carried out through several media outlets, the internet and through SMS, voters congratulated her for handing over power at AziCCUL in perfect tranquility when her tenure was over, her work to put in place RECCUCAM to check fraud, mafia and embezzlement that has eaten deep in most credit unions and her level headedness in doing all these. Voters also singled her out for her resilience in the face of blackmail, witch hunting and intimidation. Her struggle to put sanity, honesty and the practice of democratic principles to protect the poor’s meager savings from white collar pecuniary warmongers in the credit union movement in Cameroon has been a daunting task yet she has not relented. 
          Speaking after receiving the Award, Mme Anye Judith who said she was overwhelmed by such a distinction dedicated the award to God and those who work hard to see that truth and honesty prevails especially in the management of people and their resources. He secret of success is the respect of basic rule and regulation and playing by the law. According to her, the credit union which her had served and is still serving is not a forum for people to enrich themselves but for people to service and to make sure that the poor farmer, “Buyam sellam,” small income earners savings are secured and maximum benefits accorded them through cheap loans and other assistance.
          Other winners of the Princess Award include the Fon of Bafut for his vision toward education in his community, the Fon of Nkar for fighting for the rights of widows and orphans, Dr Nick Ngwanyam for his service in the health domain, Gwain Colbert Fulai for his fight for gender equality and human rights, and others from other parts of the country for their service for humanity.
          Speaking during the event, the CEO of False Labels Inc. Kuja Marie-Claire said the aim of this award was to encourage those he considers as the silent heroes. According to her, these heroes need to be encouraged and brought to limelight so that their story could be a catalyst to others. She underlined the need for a change in the way things are done here in Cameroon and for Cameroonians to understand that development will only come through them and by doing small things in big ways.

        The chairperson of the award ceremony, Mr. Tangie Suh Nfor called on all the fifteen laureates to continue being the torch bearers of their various communities. He challenged them to push ahead in doing what is good despite numerous wedges they might witness in the course. According to him, this award was a plain acknowledgement and encouragement of service to humanity by the laureates and should be taken as such for more to be done.    

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