Saturday, September 26, 2015

CPDM Fights CPDM in Mbengwi

The atmosphere in Mbengwi within the political class is electrifying as to who takes credit when eventually a faculty of the University of Bamenda is allocated to Mbengwi. Since the creation of UBa some years back, there have been a lot of bickering as to where some of the faculties of the university should go. Since Mbengwi judging from its proximity, infrastructure and the availability of land stands a better chance of hosting some of the faculties, backbiting and jostling as to who takes the credit is already rife in Mbengwi.
          While those from the other Divisions have merely been advocating for the transfer of faculties to their various division, the people of Momo-Mbengwi went a step forward and demarcated expands of land ready to host the faculties. Not only did they provide land, Minister Ama Tutu Muna has been on the file to see that Mbwngwi hosts one of the faculties. The tenability of her lobbying is based on the fact that Mbengwi is not only closer and well linked to Bamenda, but as of now has the infrastructure and the space which can host students conveniently. 
          Since the choice of Mbengwi to host some of the faculties or a school of the university seem to be gaining grounds and there is hope in the offing, some smart but cheap politicians across the board have stepped in . To this effect, nocturnal meetings have been held here and there and behind close doors to send a delegation to the PM and the Minister of Higher Education. One of such meeting was held in Mbengwi last week and was purportedly convinced by the DO for Mbengwi. Although the DO convinced the meeting, he is said to have done under the machinations of some elite who want to position themselves and take credit when the university comes. 
          Although it is claimed that several other issues were discussed at the said meeting attended by the Senator Fon Teche, PC Fonso, the MP and some Fons of the Sub Division, the main point on the agenda was to send a delegation to Yaoundé to lobby for transfer of some faculties of UBa to Mbengwi. Information that filtered from the meeting had it that everyone closer to Ama Tutu was avoided and the attendees cautioned to maintain sealed lips until the plans come to fruition. They claimed that Ama Tutu was not in good terms with the PM and would be a stumbling block if she spearheads the cause. This explains why the Mayor of Mbengwi and others who upholds Ama Tutu were avoided. The convenors of the meeting chose to corner but her 1st deputy, Chungong Patrick to represent the Mayor.
          Speaking to the Mayor on phone, this reporter was made to understand that she was not away of such a meeting and did not delegate anybody to represent the Council. According to her, only a document was forwarded to her for signature. She refused to sign because she was not given room to read through the document nor to make a photo copy of the said document. She therefore suspected foul play. She got worried when she was accused by the very convenors of the meeting for refusing to sign a document that would bring a faculty of the university to Mbengwi. She further stated that she would be the first to stake her head in order that one of the faculties of UBa to be in Mbengwi.
         The 1st deputy Mayor, Chungong Patrick washed his hands like Pontius Pilate and said he attended the meeting not as a representative of the Mayor. According to him, he did not understand why the Mayor was circumvented and the Minister who is a bona fide daughter of Mbengwi was not informed to take the lead. His questioned to why Ama Tutu and the Mayor were avoided did not get any reasonable response.
        Speaking to the DO on phone, he expressed surprise that the information about the meeting was already out. According to him, the meeting was not for everybody and that a deputy Mayor is a Mayor he did not accordingly see any reason inviting the Mayor herself to the meeting.
      As of now, the delegation that left for Yaoundé last Monday 7, 2015 is already back in Mbengwi. Sources say that the Minister of Higher Education referred them back to the University of Bamenda.  

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