Saturday, March 21, 2015

HIV-Free North West Project Brings Hope to the Hopeless

Benjamin ngah
The Cameroon Baptist convention Health Services under the HIV-Free North West (PMTCT) Project has extended its services to some areas in the North West region dreaded by many because of their inaccessibility. This is to ensure that nobody is left out from benefitting from the services and counseling  offered by the project in order to scale down the rate of HIV and Aids transmission especially from mother to child in the region.
Despite the rugged terrain and the inaccessibility of areas like Befang, Baworo, Weh and Modelle etc in the Menchum Division, the team of committed staff of the project braved all the odds to reach out to the villagers of these localities.  While there, the team is expected to offer routine facilitative and supportive supervision to ensure quality services in the domains of documentation, supplies VCT, sample transport System and staff monitoring.
In one of the villages in Wum, the diagnosis and initiation into treatment of a 10years old kid whose mother had passed on might have been heartbreaking to the child and his caregiver but the coming of the team was brought in hope like never before as the child is sure to be taken good care and follow up by the team to ensure that he live a normal and healthy life.
Fura Awa which is still in the Menchum Division of the North West Region is one of those areas feared by the fearless because of its remoteness was also to be visited by the fearless and courageous staff of the PMTCT Project from the 18th to the 20th of February 2015. This was to also ensure that the valuable services offered by the project get to the much needed population of the locality.

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